Replacing Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

Here in Loughborough, our dedicated orthodontists work hard to transform all our patients’ smiles using dental implants. Although there are lots of reasons why you might be missing a tooth (or several of them), prioritising your oral health is so important, and that’s one of the top reasons to replace lost teeth. Sound like a bit of a mystery? We’ll explain all about it in today’s article.

Dental Implants Improve Your Dental Health

Few things are as important as health, but did you know your dental health is linked to your wider health? For example, an infection that starts orally could spread around your body. Tooth implants have been shown to improve oral health because when there are spaces in your mouth, your teeth naturally shift – and this can create lots of pockets and places for bacteria and food particles to collect.

Dental Implants Restore Your bite and Chew Function

Imagine biting into a crisp apple or crunchy piece of bread. If these things seem like forgotten memories, don’t despair – dental implants can help to restore your bite and chew function, and get you back on a normal diet again. No more mushy, soft foods – well, only when you want them!

Your Age

With tooth loss comes a whole host of other concerns. In severe cases, gum recession and bone loss could be your unfortunate reality. And, without your teeth, the skin around the mouth can look saggy or pucker. In other words, having dental implants inserted into those spaces can give structure back to your appearance and could turn back the clock on ageing.

Dental Implants Improve Your Smile

Gaps in the smile can seem unsightly and off-putting – even if you’ve lost your teeth through no fault of your own, like an accident or injury. Restoring your teeth can also help restore your smile, and because each dental implant is crafted to fit perfectly and match your surrounding teeth, nobody will ever know you’ve had treatment.

Dental Implants Boost Confidence

With that brand new smile comes a renewed sense of confidence. Once you’ve successfully had treatment, you won’t be able to wait to show off those new pearly whites! And, our team here in Loughborough will be smiling along with you, celebrating a job well done.

Book in Today!

If you’re ready to take the step in your new smile journey, contact our expert orthodontists today here in Loughborough.

Book consultation

Discuss your options with Dr. Gosal and his professional team and decide what teeth straightening option is suitable for you. The consultation process involves an initial full assessment, followed by full records and X-rays followed by a further detailed discussion to provide you with a bespoke treatment plan and a thorough breakdown of your brace options. There is absolutely no obligation.

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