Foods you can and can’t eat with fixed braces

Can I eat crisps, or sweets with my braces? These are just some of the questions we get asked here at our Loughborough-based clinic.

Here at Loughborough Orthodontics, we specialise in braces of all shapes and sizes, whether it’s adult braces or for teenagers. Today, we’re looking at traditional fixed braces – that is, braces that can only be fitted or removed by a professional orthodontist. Many patients ask us about what they can eat and drink once they have this treatment since they can’t pop them out for meals and snacks. So our specialist orthodontists thought “Why not answer all our patient’s questions in one blog?” So that is what we have done!

Can You Eat Popcorn and Nuts With Braces

Kernels from popcorn and small, sharp pieces of nut can easily get stuck between your braces and could cause untold damage, too.

Can You Eat Sticky Sweets With Braces

Boiled sweets and chewy sweets are both a bad idea when you have fixed braces. They could pull on the wires or wrap around bits of the apparatus. Also in this category: chewing gum. Once it becomes ingrained, you will find it virtually impossible to remove.

Can You Eat Ice?

Crunching on hard foods – like ice, or others like crusty bread, hard vegetables or pretzels – can damage or break your fixed braces. Not only could this pose a threat to the soft tissues in your mouth, but it could also be expensive to fix. Some of these should be avoided altogether, while others – like bread and veg – can simply be cut or broken into smaller chunks. You might be wondering what’s safe to eat now! Don’t worry, we’ll cover these, too.

Can You Eat Dairy 

Most dairy foods are fine to eat: think soft cheeses and cheese spreads, yoghurts, milk, cream and more. Of course, some of these may be high in sugar, and that’s something to bear in mind for the overall health of your smile. If you need advice, ask our orthodontists.

Pasta and noodles

Dishes like spaghetti, lasagne and more are ideal, as pasta is soft and easy to chew when wearing fixed braces. Macaroni, ravioli and other noodle dishes are also great.

Can You Eat Fruit With Braces

Soft fruits – think peaches, nectarines, bananas, kiwis and more – are recommended for fixed braces by our orthodontists. You can also eat oranges, strawberries, raspberries and grapes, but take care to remove any pips or seeds from some of these fruits if you can.

Jams and spreads

Again, choose pipless or seedless if you can. Most jams and spreads should be fine to eat, but ask our orthodontists if you’re unsure.

Need any more help, advice or recommendations? We’re here for you. Get in touch via our contact page, and our orthodontists here in Loughborough will arrange an appointment if needed.

Book consultation

Discuss your options with Dr. Gosal and his professional team and decide what teeth straightening option is suitable for you. The consultation process involves an initial full assessment, followed by full records and X-rays followed by a further detailed discussion to provide you with a bespoke treatment plan and a thorough breakdown of your brace options. There is absolutely no obligation.

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